Tamale Layered Dip

You may remember our Tamale Pie. This recipe called for our Tamale pie as the bottom layer. But, alas! Tamale Pie is no longer much to the chagrin of our Tamale Pie customers and my daughter, Annaleigh. This was her absolutely favorite dish and recipe from No Time 2 Cook. So back to the kitchen for me to come up with a recipe for the bottom tamale layer. I adjusted the recipe to make it easy to prepare using simple ingredients, and here it is! The general consensus-this Tamale Layered Dip is just as good if not better than the original.

BTW: Not only is this a great appetizer for a crowd, but you can also serve it up for a casual dinner at home. If the filling makes too much for your family, reduce the recipe or better yet, freeze the unused tamale filling to pull out one night when you have no time 2 cook.

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