Super Easy Guacamole

National Chip and Dip Day

In honor of National Chip and Dip Day, here’s my favorite guacamole. It’s super simple and easy with no cleaning veggies, chopping, or tears from onions.

Mash, Mix, and Taste

There’s not an exact recipe as avocados come in different sizes and the spice level depends on individual taste. Just mix and taste until its right for you. It’s really hard to mess up this guacamole.

What’s the secret?

The first secret to this guacamole is making sure your avocados are ripe but not too ripe. Check out this blog to learn how to choose perfect avocados. The second secret is choosing the right salsa. When it comes to jarred salsa there’s only one I buy-Herdez and it’s the perfect salsa for this guacamole. You can find it on the Mexican aisle in your local Kroger or grocery of choice and while your there, check out the frozen aisle for one of our No Time 2 Cook casseroles. Check out our locations here.

So, “Happy Chip and Dip Day” to all our readers. And…for those who are so inclined, check out my recipe for delicious margaritas.

No Time 2 Cook owner, Karen Kurr, is passionate about bringing families back to the dinner table. Just like the recipes she shares, No Time 2 Cook products are cooked from scratch and taste like home-made.

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