Girl Scout Stew

In honor of National Girl Scout’s Day, here is my mama’s version of Girl Scout Stew. You won’t believe how simple it is to make and even your pickiest eater will like it.

My family has a great history of scouting. My daddy and son were both Eagle Scouts and my mama was my Girl Scout leader and also the volunteer trainer and Day Camp director for the Middle Mississippi Girl Scout Council. Much of my cooking experience came from Girl Scout campouts and events with Mama in charge. Mama was an expert at keeping the meals simple to prepare and kid friendly as well. This Stew was a troop favorite and usually on the menu for every campout. It’s one of the first dishes I learned to cook. And what fun to learn to cook with my best friends and over a campfire to boot. Also, this recipe can be increased easily to fit your crowd.

I hope you enjoy Mama’s Girl Scout Stew. In fact, I think I’ll make up a batch for my family this weekend.

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