Shrimp and Crab Quiche

If you love Shrimp and Crab, you’re going to love this quiche. Warning! It’s hard on your pocketbook, but if you’re looking to impress your guests for brunch, this is a winner and they’ll be asking for the recipe. And, if you’re on a budget or you’re not a seafood fan, you can substitute ham and asparagus, beef (browned ground chuck) and sauteed mushrooms, sausage, bacon, etc. The egg filling is one of the best and will go with just about any meat and/or veggie of your choice. You can also change the Swiss cheese to other cheeses. This is a fun quiche recipe to play with.

Pie crust tip: If you want to use a pretty pie dish, make your own pie crust or buy a refrigerated pie crust, or go with the quick/easy method. which is what we did. and buy a frozen pie shell. The recipe below is for 2 deep dish pies, because I like to serve one the day I bake and freeze one to pull out and heat up when I need a dish in a hurry.

For left over shrimp and crab: With the cost of seafood, you don’t want any to go to waste, so freeze the crab and the shrimp in ziplocs to use another day. I usually pull out my leftovers on Omelet Day when the whole family gets together. Right now, I’m planning omelets for the day after Christmas and my crab is waiting in the freezer for the big day.

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